How to add a mileage rate to a threshold – mileage version 4


  1. Click Administration
  2. Now click Mileage Rate
  3. Click on the Add button to create a new rate
  4. Enter a Code for the rate – this needs to be unique
  5. Now enter the Description of the rate
  6. Now enter the mileage Threshold
  7. Select the Vehicle Type
  8. Select the Owner of the vehicle
  9. And then select the Engine Type
  10. Choose the Engine Capacity of the vehicle
  11. Ensure that the Include in Threshold Calculation button is switched to Yes
  12. Enter a Valid From and a Valid To date
  13. Enter the amount that can be claimed before reaching the threshold
  14. Enter the amount that can be claimed after reaching the threshold
  15. Click Save to keep your changes.